The secret behind Santosa's Soap Bars
Unlike the majority of mass-produced soap bars available on the market, Santosa’s Soap Bars are created through a time-honoured cold-process soap method, ensuring all of the nourishing benefits and goodness of the natural organic ingredients, actually remain in the final product. What's so special about cold-process soap? At the heart of soap making, is a chemical process known as saponification. Basically, this is a reaction between the fats and oils which react with lye to form Soap. Santosa’s Soap Bars are hand-crafted in small batches, poured into molds and cut by hand - giving each bar its own unique size,...
Six smart ways to detox your home
Household cleaners are in every New Zealand home, but often we are blissfully unaware of just how dangerous home cleaning products can be. Here are 6 tips on how to detox your home, from cleaning sprays to body wash!